Thursday, October 20, 2011

21 Photo Life Story Project for Mom's of Seniors in High School

If you have been going through photos and organizing them to create special memory books or decorations for your senior in high school now is a good time to get your senior involved in a simple project.  I call this project the 21 photo Life Story project.

Ask your student to pick the 21 pictures that are meaningful to them that show the progression of their life story beginning with a birth photo and ending with their senior photo.  Then have them write a little something about each photo. Tell them that you are going to do something special with this, but you don't have to tell them exactly what you are going to do, unless you want to.

Now have them give this collection to you and you can turn this into a beautiful memory book for their graduation party or give it early as a Christmas gift! The great part about this project is that they have done most of the work for you.

I'd love to help you put this into a quality hardbound book for your student. Heritage Makers books are archived in case you want another copy later AND we have an Heirloom Assurance Policy if you damage your book in any way, you can get another copy for half price.

As an Independent Consultant with Heritage Makers I can help you make beautiful items for your senior all year long. Creating things a little at a time will make the graduation celebration less stressful.

Each month I will feature something special you can create that will make sending your senior off to the next phase of life a little easier as they take pieces of home with them.

Visit me at and join our Club HM for discounted publishing points or just sign up for a free account and play around with the amazing projects there. When you sign up for a free account I can let you know of online classes that will help you learn how to create these projects.