Saturday, December 5, 2009

Holidays are GREAT for gathering Stories!

Think of all the family gatherings you will be having this Holiday season and make the most of these visits. Take a few minutes to gather old photos and bring them with you to these gatherings and then have fun remembering and recording the stories from the photos.

It is fun to hear what others remember differently about the same events. It is also great to even learn WHO people are in the photos you are pulling out of the back of your closet or your PARENT'S closet. Write down the stories and who the people are before you forget or lose the elderly loved ones in your life that are the last link to these precious ancestors and their stories.

It is fun to see the family resemblances. How looks like whom? and even who acts like whom.

Want to dig a little deeper? Write down questions that will help gather your family stories or just let them talk naturally about people in the photos and as they tell you the information record it (with their permission) or have someone write down the information they share.

Always be respectful of the elderly don't push if they are tired, make it a fun family time of reminiscing. You will be glad that you took the time to record these precious memories.

I have been gathering the stories from my mom and her sisters about their lives growing up on the family farm in southern Ohio in the 1930's and 1940's. It has been so much fun learning about each of them and their different perspectives about life in their family.

I hope you take advantage of the time your family has together over the holidays and begin gathering and sharing your stories.

If you would like help in putting your story together in a beautiful book or just would like ideas for questions and guides to putting together your books visit my website and sign up for a FREE account. Once you have your account you can check out the story center and print off questions on a variety of story types: Life Story, Love Story, Baby Story, etc. You can also have fun looking through our Template Gallery for great ideas.

We celebrate Christmas! I hope you enjoy your Holidays and Special Traditions!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sharing Your Stories Inspiration

This week I had the pleasure of spending a good part of my day with my Grandniece and Grandnephews! Bella will soon be 3 years old, Chase is 1 and Joey is 6 months old. I came armed with my camera because it is so fun to capture them in their everyday moments. My sister-in-law (their Nona) keeps her grandchildren busy playing with the toy kitchen, reading books, playing with playdough, dancing, and even playing makeshift drums.

These photos I took will be put into an heritage makers book that the kids can read about themselves. They LOVE looking at pictures of themselves at play. What a great way to remember the fun they had and learn the written word that goes with the activities and objects in the photos. What a great way to learn how loved they are and to see that in action.

I think this story "A Day in the Life of Bella, Chase and Joey" will be great in our new BOARD BOOK. This is perfect for their little hands and sturdy too!

What do you do in an ordinary day? Who is special in your life? What special event is coming up? These are stories that are waiting to be told, and waiting to be read!

If you need help contact me through my website because every story deserves a book of its own!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wedding Guest Books and Tips Under One Roof

As a personal publishing consultant I love helping young engaged couples write their first story, their love story. A great way to make this story also be functional is to incorporate it into a Wedding Guest Sign In Book. All the couple has to do is gather a few photos such as: newborn photos, childhood, high school, dating years, and proposal photos. Then add a few words telling a little about themselves and the story of their dating and proposal.

Next combine these images and text with lined pages for the guests to sign in or unlined pages for guests to write more personal messages. These pages can also have engagement photos and favorite quotes to create a beautiful hard bound library stitched book that will tell their story making their Guest Book a priceless keepsake. The couple has created their first book that will be something their future children will love reading. This is their first book of heritage for their children.

If you would like information about creating a unique Wedding Guest Sign In book contact me at and click on the "Contact Me" link.

A new couple not only will be bringing their two separate lives into one love story, but will be combining two households into one. I recently asked organizer, Miriam Bogard for some tips to help this process be a smoother one. This is what she had to say:

Top 5 Tips Under One Roof

As newly engaged couples tie the knot and dream of a life together, it can be blissful but also somewhat stressful. Bringing together belongings from two individuals to create a unique style for your newly established home can be a challenge and a somewhat sensitive subject at times with the one that you love. Take a look at these TOP 5 tips that can help ease the transition and bring simple solutions to the organization and consolidation of two lives into one.

#1- As each of you are packing up, segregate items into three categories, things to keep out , things to pack away, and things to throw away. Things to keep can be items to make a new home unique; like pictures, gifts, and sentimental items. Items you want to pack away would be memories from your childhood and the past. Sort through everything and throw away whatever you can part with.

#2-Label each box as to where it goes and what is in it on at least two sides. This will help with the moving process and unpacking.

#3-Keep the kitchen clean of excess. Sit down with your spouse and discuss who's bringing what into the home, and discard the rest. Local charities are always looking for household items for someone less fortunate.

#4-Arrange your storage space into three different areas: a place where you very rarely access, an area for seasonal things, and an area that you might need more readily.

#5-Keep a notebook of who gave you what, when they gave it, and where you put it. This will be a wonderful tool to reflect on life's blessings as you celebrate the years together.

MB Organizers is a professional organization and personal assistant service, employing a team of talented women professionals, most of whom are mothers. If you are looking for organizational strategies, solutions, or "go to" support to assist with your move, we would love to speak with you. We have relocation experience and in transitioning people into different seasons of life. You can find us at Why not gain more time for yourself, and allow us to do the work!